CHChow Life CoversOW LIFE is the official magazine of the Chow Chow Club, Inc. The magazine is published quarterly and contains articles of interest to exhibitors, breeders, judges, and pet owners including educational materials and excellent pictorials of members' Chow Chows. For the prospective Chow owner, it serves as a valuable tool to locate a show or companion puppy as well as specific information on Chows.

CHOW LIFE is a professionally produced full color magazine in an 8x11" glossy format. CHOW LIFE is available to both members and non-members by subscription.

CHOW LIFE Editor Michael Heldt. All correspondence should be directed to:

Michael Heldt, Editor
Chow Life Magazine
3000 Martingale Dr
Berthoud, CO 80513

Chow Life Magazine is Available Online

In addition to the printed magazine that you receive each quarter, you can access the current Chow Life magazine as well as back issues on your computer, smartphone, and tablet. Simply click on the link below and you will be taken to the online magazine.

To open and read the magazine online, enter your email address, exactly as it is in the email notice you receive each quarter, as the "Authorization ID".  The Authorization ID is case-sensitive. Need Help? Chow Life Online Help.

 Once logged in to the Online Magazine you will be able to

  • Easily navigate pages with links, zoom options, and an interactive table of contents
  • Search for keywords
  • View on your smartphone, tablet, and computer
  • Bookmark pages
  • Print pages
  • Use thumbnails to quickly view each page in the magazine
  • Access Back Issues of the magazine

Click here to access the Chow Life Online Magazine 

If you have any questions or issues accessing the magazine. Please Contact:

Michael Heldt, Editor
Chow Life Magazine
3000 Martingale Dr
Berthoud, CO 80513

Subscription Rates
Chow Life is the official magazine of the Chow Chow Club, Inc. (CCCI) and is published quarterly.  Annual subscriptions which include both the print and digital versions are available.  The cost of an annual subscription (4 issues) is:


CCCI Members


United States

$ 30

$ 40


$ 40

$ 50


$ 70

$ 80


Single Copy (including  shipping)


United States        $15
Canada                 $20
Foreign                 $25


Subscription and Renewal Deadlines
To be included in the mailing for the current issue, you must
subscribe or renew your subscription by:

Spring issue
Summer issue
Fall issue
Winter issue

February 15
May 15
August 15
November 15

Payment Options:
Subscriptions can be purchased by sending payment via PayPal ( to or by mailing a check to the Chow Life Editor at the address below.  Please include your mailing & email addresses as a note with your payment.

Checks and money orders must be in U.S. funds payable to CCCI-Chow Life.  PayPal is preferred for Canadian and Foreign subscriptions. Checks returned for non-payment are subject to a $25.00 service charge.

Send subscription & renewal orders to:

Michael Heldt, Editor
Chow Life Magazine
3000 Martingale Dr
Berthoud, CO 80513

Note to Subscribers:
Please be advised that we have occasionally experienced problems with the mail.  Sometimes the items never arrive and we do not know what happened to them.  We cannot control the mail service cannot be responsible for lost items. 

Persons who have a subscription to Chow Life Magazine also have access to the online version of the magazine called Chow Life Magazine Online. For CCCI members, this online version is not the Chow Life Magazine website and the access is different from the login that is used for the CCCI and Chow Life websites.

This is how to access Chow Life Online.
Open the main page of the Chow Life Magazine Online
Chow Life Online Magazine

Click on the desired magazine to open the magazines detail popup.
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 In the detail popup Click on View

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In the authorization popup that opens, enter the email that Chow Life Magazine has on file for you. This is normally the one that you provided when purchasing your subscription. You must enter your email address, exactly as it is in the email notice you receive each quarter, as the "Authorization ID". (the Authorization ID is case-sensitive)

Be sure to keep your email address up to date with Chow Life Online

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Enjoy the online magazine.

A picture containing text, electronics, screen, display  Description automatically generated


Still having trouble logging in?

  • Are you sure you are using the correct email address?
  • Is the email address spelled exactly like it was spelled when the subscription was purchased? The Login form for the online magazine is case sensitive. You must enter your email address, exactly as it is in the email notice you receive each quarter, as the "Authorization ID". (the Authorization ID is case-sensitive)
  • Are you sure you have an active subscription to Chow Life?

If you have any questions or issues accessing the magazine. Please Contact:

Carol Ann Klein, Editor
Chow Life Magazine
5051 Lost Padre Mine Rd.
Las Cruces, NM 88011
Phone: (609) 306-9506 (cell)

The Chow Chow Club, Inc. offers discount certificates toward full page ads in Chow Life for regional specialty winners:

Best of Breed: $60 discount
Best of Opposite Sex: $60 discount
Winners Dog: $50 discount
Winners Bitch: $50 discount

Discount certificates are trophies and must be published in the regional club's premium list. The premium list must state:

" The Chow Chow Club, Inc. offers a certificate for $60.00 off a full page ad in Chow Life for Best of Breed and Best of Opposite Sex and $50.00 off a full page ad for Winners Dog and Winners Bitch."

Clubs must request the certificates from the Chow Life editor and include a copy of the premium list with their request.

Certificates are awarded to the owners of the winning dogs, but unless the premium list states otherwise, owners are not limited to advertising that particular dog. Certificates are not transferable, however, and must be used within 6 months of the show.

Send certificate requests and a copy of your club's premium list to:

Michael Heldt, Editor
Chow Life Magazine
3000 Martingale Dr
Berthoud, CO 80513