Use this Order form link to download the form. This form is an excel spreadsheet file and will calculate total cost.
Please send your order form with payment to
Debbie Hockaday, Treasurer
11059 Carraige Rd
Providence Forge, VA 23140
Checks should be made payable to the CCCI.
PayPal payment will be accepted with the addition of the PayPal fee (the order form will figure the amount for you). The PayPal address and email to send the form to Debbie Hockaday is
Certificates will be emailed after payment is received. If you have any questions, please contact Love Banghart at as she will be issuing the certificates. She will be able to advise you in all the ways they may be used.
So please check these out! I bet you know someone that could use one! Or maybe two or three! We have had members asking for gift certificates so don’t miss this opportunity!