Article and links on how to become a member
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Official AKC National Breed Club for the Chow Chow

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In the Snow!

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Slide Buck and Penny
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Art Director & Photographer

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Snow is Fun!

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The Chow Chow, often simply called the Chow, is one of the oldest breeds. His exact history is lost in the China of antiquity. Some historians record that the Tarters invaded China a thousand years before Christ and brought back to the West some middle-sized dogs that looked like "lions" with blue-black tongues. Admired by emperors as well as by Western royalty, used by Chinese peasants for food and clothing,. and adopted as a "favorite" of the movie star set in Hollywood in the 1920's, the Chow Chow has had a dramatic history. The Chow Chow Club, Inc. , sometimes referred to as "The Parent Club", is the AKC-recognized national organization for the Chow Chow breed. Officers and directors are elected annually and conduct the routine business of the Club. Each spring, there is an annual meeting of the membership and a National Specialty show with over 250 Chows in competition. There is no better opportunity to enrich your knowledge of the Chow Chow than by attending a national specialty show.