Events Calendar

RMCCC 2020 back-to-back Specialty shows
From Friday, September 04, 2020
To Sunday, September 06, 2020

RMCCC logo Rocky Mountain Chow Chow Club
Update on September 4, 2020 Shows

I hope you are well and taking care of yourselves individually,  as families and pet owners.  In this precarious time of COVID -19 we are all learning new ways to stay healthy and not get too depressed.  Of course, our furry companions are thrilled to have so much of our time as we take care of them and are present most of every day. They can provide a great source of love and activities and all are better for the interaction.

As we have monitored the statistics and the Pandemics effect on our lifestyles we are working through this together.  AKC has been understanding and making sure that they are offering flexibility and safe solutions.  Meanwhile, with each month that passes they are focused on the health and safety of their employees and the sport(s) they oversee.  Here is a link to their monthly and sometimes more frequent updates on their site.  AKC Link
Please find an excerpt from the cover page:  The American Kennel Club continues to encourage each of its 5,000 clubs to adhere to federal, state and local restrictions pertaining to minimizing the spread of COVID-19.  As states gradually begin to reopen, we strongly urge clubs to follow every regulation for large gatherings. We support each club’s informed decision to reschedule, postpone or cancel their respective events, as well as support clubs ready to hold events in municipalities that are open and permit gatherings. In an ongoing effort to assist event chairs and organizers, the Sports and Events Department has been working on suggested guidelines for best health practices to be used when the resumption of our sports is possible, as well as assisting events with date checks, Judges assignments, conflicts, etc. The guidelines will be made available in the coming weeks.  (This was started in March 2020)

Recently they refered to each Club’s compliance with the venue’s guidelines and policies set forth by the governing officials.  Observing these recommendations, ECKC held off on their final decision until last night and today we (Specialty Clubs) were informed by Cindy Vogels, Show Chair  for ECKC -

“Evergreen Colorado KC met last night and decided the following:   Evergreen Colorado Kennel Club regrets that our 2020 shows, September 5 and 6 will be canceled. A majority of the Board feels that, based on the current virulent nature of the Covid-19 pandemic, we could not put on a safe dog show within the parameters of the current Colorado safety guidelines. The Board voted to financially support any of our associated specialties that choose to hold their 2020 shows “.  They offered to help the Group Shows with earmarked funding and any money leftover could be split amongst the Specialty Clubs. 

This was my process after polling several committee members and weighing all of the input and the logical conclusion is to also cancel the RMCCC 2020 shows.  Here are a some key factors:
1] we would be a stand-alone show, rental fee of the facility unknown without ECKC as the anchor club
2] we lack a Show Secretary as Robert is in too high of a risk group to proceed and provide his services
3] although the Judges have been supportive; it is with caution due to potential travel restrictions and safely moving domestically on an airplane.
4] Very few of our ardent supporters would be likely to drive for only two shows and a lower entry than usual
5] We haven’t really spent any money so we can simply postpone until the same weekend next year along with most of the AKC show community.

I was hopeful that we could host one of the few shows this year and that we could enjoy and it but in this unsettling time the logistics are overwhelming once you put COVID-19 in the mix. 
Truly sorry -